Jen Mayer, a white woman and founder of Fully Funded, wearing a mint beanie and green sweatshirt, sitting outside and smiling
individuals + businesses

Financial Coaching

Fully Funded Financial Coaching packages are for people who want to grow their financial confidence, implement financial systems that work, and gain financial freedom.

Contact us
Jen Mayer, a white woman and founder of Fully Funded, wearing a white sweater, sitting at a wooden table, smiling in front of a green background

Hi! I’m Jen

I'm a Brooklyn based mom of two, a financial counselor, a former doula, and I’ve been self-employed my entire adult life. My passion is working with parents and self-employed people to implement financial strategies so they can live with financial confidence, less stress, and meet their lifelong goals.

I've trained with the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education in financial counseling. I help clients with a variety of financial projects anywhere from debt management, to creating monthly financial routines, to creating financial freedom.

Together we create an actionable plan, so you can work step by step toward your financial visions. It's my sincere hope that we can all live with strong financial foundations, so we can dedicate our lives fully to the many causes we believe in.

A Black woman wearing a green and white striped button down smiling and gesturing at her laptop

You’re feeling good about your finances but need some additional help...

  • Want to create a function financial system to manage your cash flow
  • Want to buy a house, leave your job, start a family, or start your own business
  • Are going through a life event such as getting divorced
  • Want to be saving more money and investing money for the future
  • Want to grow and expand your business

How Does It Work?

Identifying Your Financial Values and Goals
  • While we do focus on finances, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. I want to learn about your values as a person first because I believe that true financial success is achieved when your finances are in alignment with your values. I’m here to help you define what’s important to you and create a life that supports your priorities.
Assessing Your Current Financial Landscape
  • This is all about mapping out a clear picture of your financial habits. We start by identifying three things: what comes in, what goes out, and what’s left over. In looking at these numbers we can identify areas of improvement and start to think about new strategies to implement that work for you.
Creating an Actionable Financial Plan
  • This is where we get to put our heads together and collaborate on an actionable plan that covers your short term, intermediate, and long term goals for you to start using. I’m there to provide education, support, and guidance, and you’re there to make sure that this plan is in alignment with your values and goals.

Twelve, 60 minute meetings with Jen are held virtually over Zoom within six months.

Session notes, resources, and actions steps provided.

Unlimited Voxer access for update, questions and accountability.

I Want to Learn More

Financial Coaching: Here’s What’s Included...

  • Each Financial Coaching Package includes 12, one hour meetings
  • A customized financial road map with a clear trajectory toward accomplishing your goals
  • Creation of actionable steps for you to implement short and long term
  • Session notes, resources, templates, and recommendations
  • Voxer (a great walkie-talkie app!) support throughout the coaching package duration for follow-up questions, accountability, and updates
  • Cost: $3600 (payment plan + half packages are available)

Topics We Can Cover

  • Financial Foundations: Learning and implementing financial systems
  • Self-Employment: How to manage variable income, set up your own benefits, and more
  • Planning: Monthly budgets spending & savings plans, savings accounts
  • Retirement: Learning options for retirement savings & investing
  • Family Financial Planning: What to have in place after having kids
  • Investing: Learning the basics of investing in the stock market
contant us

what others are saying

“Working with Jen at Fully Funded has been life changing. With her compassionate support, I’ve changed my perspective on money, and implemented powerful strategies and techniques that support my self-employment for the long term. I can’t recommend her enough!” - Ashleigh Pedersen, Author of the novel The Crocodile Bride
“Thanks to Jen and Fully Funded, I am now so much more empowered in my business – I have short and long term goals, clarity around what projects to take on and where best to put my money, and my accounts are so organized and easy to maintain that it’s actually fun to do!” - Colleen M, Editor
“Jen and Fully Funded is an absolute gem! She helped me overcome my money overwhelm, restructure my business finances in real-time, and get clearer and more confident about running my company.” - Amy B. Scher, Bestselling author of This Is How I Save My Life

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Financial Counselor?

    Financial Counselors are trained professionals who educate clients in sound financial principles. We assist clients in the process of overcoming their financial indebtedness, help clients identify and modify ineffective money management behaviors and guide clients in developing successful strategies to achieve their unique financial goals.

  • What is your training and background?

    I am accredited with the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE®). AFCPE® is the nationally recognized leader in financial counseling, coaching and education. Bringing together research, education and practice, they support the profession through comprehensive training, professional development and high-quality resources to help improve the economic well-being of individuals and families worldwide.

  • Do you sell any financial products?

    Nope! I am a fee-only financial advisor. I don't earn commissions by selling financial products. Clients pay a fee to enlist my services. That way I only work for you, and have your best interest in mind.

  • Do you invest money for clients?

    No, I don't manage any client assets or investments directly. I provide education, clarification, and guidance to clients so they understand their investment options. I have a variety of referrals available for clients depending on their investment needs.

  • If I have a spouse or partner should they attend the sessions too?

    If you're married or in a partnership it's often very helpful if both partners can attend the financial counseling sessions. That being said, every partnership is different, so if one spouse wishes to attend, that is okay too.

  • Do you offer sliding scale or discounted rates?

    For coaching packages I offer a limited amount of sliding scale sessions per month. I currently have a waitlist for sliding scale spots.

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